Closet | New In - Upper East Side Stylist

Closet | New In

sábado, fevereiro 02, 2013

Com as novas tendências a vontade de comprar saldos já não é muita (apesar de se encontrar peças a preços bastante apetecíveis). As novas colecções começam a dar-me voltas à cabeça. E o closet da minha mãe também.

With the new trends i have no desire to buy sales (although you can find pieces with quite desirable prices). The new collections are starting to give me turns to my head. And the closet of my mom as well. 

 BLANCO earrings (sales)

BLANCO headband (sales)

BLANCO clutch (new collection)

BLANCO clutch (sales)

BLANCO blouse (new collection)

BLANCO knit (new collection)

BLANCO jacket (new collection)

PRIMARK clutch (new collection)

ZARA jacket (new collection)

Vintage jacket from my mom's closet

Vintage blouse from my mom's closet

Grandmother's vintage coat from my mom's closet

Vintage clutch from my mom's closet

Vintage handbag from my mom's closet

Ainda consegui "roubar" mais algumas peças do closet da minha mãe, que estão na costureira a arranjar. Nada como fazer umas compras sem gastar dinheiro ;) xx***

Still managed to "steal" a few more pieces from my mother's closet, which are in the seamstress to arrange. Nothing like doing some shopping without spending money;) xx ***

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1 comentários

  1. Que achados no roupeiro da mae =) O casaco preto é girissimo!!



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